How Do You Get Your Direct Mail Advertising To Standout In The Mail?
You think outside the box and do something totally off the wall.
Step 1) Use a very colorful design on your postcard or envelope. Use the persons name in the address block and try a handwriting font with blue ink.
Step 2) Continue the colorful design and idea once the envelope has been opened or on the postcard.
Use strong attention getting words and phrases like "Amazing", "Outrageous", "One Time Only","Act Now", "Limited Time Never Before Offer". Use loud bold colors and remember to highlight text with color and borders. The eyes are naturally attracted to reds, yellows and other warning colors.
Step 3) Use a strong offer to entice your client or prospect to respond to the offer. A cash amount off, percentage off, free gift, buy one get one, and make sure you have a phone number and email address clearly visible on both sides of your postcard mailer or direct mail letter.
Once you generate your leads from your postcard mailers or direct mail letter mailing, now it's to followup and make some sales! • 718-627-8599